

What is mountainboarding ?

Mountainboarding is the fastest growing extreme sport on the planet. It is sometimes described as a hybrid between skate/snow/surf boarding ,bmx and mountain biking. Combining elements from each. The terrain you can ride is limitless unlike other board sports.

What is a mountainboard ?

Basically a mountainboard is constructed of a deck, trucks, hubs, and tyres. Generally the deck is shaped more like a short snowboard, with the trucks placed at each end , as oppose to a skateboard which has a kick tail. It will also have pneumatic tyres, which will help control of speed by psi

Is mountainboarding hard to learn ?

Like anything greater rewards will be achieved with dedication, but the basic principle of riding down a slope is easy to achieve for anyone with a half decent sense of balance.

Manoeuvring a mountainboard ?

This in its most basic form consists of leaning either heel or toe side to steer the board in the direction you want to go. More advanced turns are achieved by sliding the board around corners , by changes of pressure on the deck. To stop the board - whilst a brake can be fitted , this is not advisable as a beginner. You will become more accomplished as a rider if you learn to slide stop, and manage the speed of the terrain you are riding. Or at a more basic level , performing a j-turn - (turning to go uphill to lose speed)

Where can i ride ?

A mountainboard can be ridden almost anywhere. only a very slight slope is needed. However it is always best to seek land access permission if possible. KentATB does not advocate trespassing on other people's land.

What equipment do i need ?

Whilst obviously a mountainboard is essential, safety equipment is also required. This includes helmet , knee and elbow pads, and also wrist guards. If you want to have a go to see if you like it , get in contact. We will have enough equipment for you to try it out.

Am i to young / old to start riding ?

Mountainboarding is enjoyed by people of all ages. KentATB itself has riders ranging from 15 - 40+

Is mountainboarding dangerous ?

Obviously the sport has its risks ,but if you take things at your own pace, learn your skills, and wear the correct safety equipment . It is pretty safe.

How much do mountainboards cost ?

A custom setup bought new can retail at anything from £300 - £1000+ , but this need not be the case, a beginner board can be bought new from around £150. Also remember Ebay is your friend , I have seen boards go for under £50 that are really good quality.